Designed and Printed 6×3 Square Feet Standard Size Standee for Pushpanjali Group’s Extra Ordinary General Meeting held on 11th Dec, 2017. Urgent job done within few hours.
Artwork: Designed in CorelDraw Software with best available font and graphics.
Material: Star Flex Media Printed with HP Printer.
Costing: INR 600 for flex printing and INR 200 for installation in the old frame.

If you are looking for beautiful standee and banner design and print services for your company or product, kindly approach Doon Projects – Media and Marketing Agency of Dehradun.
If you are looking for any printing work, feel free to contact us. We guarantee you will love our work and service. We provide overall printing services;
Printing | You are in Dehradun and want good quality printing for your book/project/product. We are experienced to deliver your imagination. Dealing with 4-5-6-8 color printing. We have the best people who just see your designs and tell you what will be best for you. Supports you everytime when you want to change your previous designs before printing. Our designers are 24×7 active to give final touch to your creatives. Also deal in Matel Printing, Screen Printing, Digital Printing, One Way/Transparent Printing for Glass, Vinyl and Reflective Media Printing, etc..UV Finishes | We are good in print finishes. Here, everyone can print your job but what about finishes. We provide UV Coating, Spot UV, Glitter UV, Textured or Engraved UV finishes services, Varnish and Lamination too. So, next time you want to print your stationary, promotional or anything come to us. We will give you best finished product.
Binding | So, looking lather looking cover for your Menu Card or hard binding for your brochure with machine sewing, come to us we will give your perfect binding options for your stationary and promotional.
Texture Paper | Most of the printers are not working with texture paper here. When you invest too much on your design and don’t use the required paper for it then everything is zero. So, if you are looking for a good work, good finishing then call me. I am here to give you the best of India.