Doon Projects – Interior Designer and Construction company in Dehradun. There are very few people whose thoughts and ideas are similar to yours. And it is also fun to work with them and the product turns out to be awesome. Ravinder Choudhary ji also turned out to be such a client. When we were installing the board of Evergreen Home Company on Canal Road, we met him and he ordered us to repair the board of his saloon.
When we went to see the board, we felt that instead of repairing it, it is better to install a board of new concept, their partners are very smart minded, they understood the concept and we finalized the deal to make some decent board which will give corporate look. We prepared and sent the design of the board as per their demand. We started the work by taking advance payment. The most difficult task in this board was to make its background which was to be made of hollow pipe in louvers look.

For this, we used a 1 inch square pipe, with a gap of 1 inch. Initially, we were thinking of installing metal sheet at the backside, but to avoid any kind of wiring problem, 6mm fiber sheet was used at the back. After the frame was completed, we painted it twice. For this, we did red oxide first and then enamel paint with the help of spray gun, which gave a great finish. After making the frame, acrylic letters were placed on it, for which we used ACP sheet for raising.

In this, the letters that we see on the right hand were also made in a metal box, for that 2mm metal sheet was used. To fix it, 6 clamps were made on it and the board was fixed on the site in 2 pieces. The party liked the board very much, we also felt good after completing it. If you have any new ideas for your front elevation then contact us, we love to create new designs.